
4 Reasons Why You Should Plan A Short Trip.

Chasing stars and watching the sun set are just a few of the interests I picked up on a recent short trip.

Short trip
Watching the sun set

A renowned traveller (Ibn Battuta) once said ‘Travelling leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller’. While I disagree with the ‘leaving you speechless’ bit, (Just because I am very expressive), I agree that travelling turns one into a storyteller. There is so much you can learn just by travelling and for this reason, everyone should plan a short trip once in a while and in between regular schedule.

The experience and knowledge you gain from exploring known or unknown territory is amazing and even moreso when you travel in good company. I know this because, I was on a short trip away from home few days back and it was all shades of beautiful.

I spent the past week with my parents in law and I have only lovely stories to tell. From adapting to the change in usual weather to bonding with family, tasting new meals and developing new interests, I am glad the short trip happened and I only just realised how much by body needed a change of environment after I got home.

Travelling is more than the seeing of sights; It is a change that goes on, deep and permanent in the ideas of living. – Mary Ritter Beard

Even though I am not one to pick a backpack and hit the road, I marvel at how people are able to feed their wanderlust. I admire travel bloggers and I appreciate how much we learn just by reading blogs or watching vlogs.

However, nothing beats the actual scenery and experience. From the past week, I have been able to realise the importance of planning a short trip once in a while. If not for anything, we deserve to give ourselves a break and well, self-care promotes meaningful living.

Time does fly when you are having fun and short trips are the exact motivation you need to get itchy feet. You get to taste the benefits of travelling and you head back home with the promise to plan more and longer trips.

Planning longer trips describes me at the moment but first I will share reasons why you should plan short trips at least once in two months. If you are not big on travelling, this should feed your wanderlust:

You Develop New Interests.

Apparently, when you stay in your comfort zone for a long time, you are more likely to stick with your routine than branch out to do something new. If at all you push yourself to do so, it takes discipline to remain consistent.

Travelling to a new location puts you in a position to see other activities and gives you the opportunity to develop new interests. This was exactly what happened to me and I have no regrets.

I have always thought I had a lot of information at my beck and call (thanks to the internet), but you really do not know it all until you spend some nights in a location that is not originally yours. Spending time with my parents in law definitely exposed me to new routines and interest.

Two weeks ago, I would never have been able to identify a tamarin or dill plant. Mum in-law has a thing for gardening and we would water the plants and flowers every morning and evening.

Short Trip Tamarin
Tamarin Leaves Close up in the Evening

Did you know a tamarin plant closes it’s leaves at dusk (it literally goes to sleep) and opens the leaves back up at dawn?

Short Trip
Tamarin Leaves Open up at Dawn (Morning)

I found this fascinating and would look at it every morning when I wake and evening before I retire for the night. What’s even more interesting is, it’s seed can be juiced. It has a sour taste but makes a perfect option at dinner time.

We also took walks at night and I learnt how to spot the big bear. Apparently, looking at the stars have now become a thing for me. Amazing right?

Short trip Big Bear
Chasing stars ( Can you spot the Big Bear?)

And well, after my trip, I would never see having chocolate and coffee in the afternoon as weird.

When you spend time engaging in new activities peculiar to your new environment or with people who have different interests from you, you are likely to pick up their interests as well.

These activities differ and are dependent on the location you are visiting. Always have a open mind and engage in whatever activity that is available as long as it is safe.

You Get The Chance To Try New Food / Recipes

It is better to see something once than hear about it a thousand times. – Unknown

This is exactly how I felt when mum in law and I spent time in the kitchen. Watching her throw it down in the kitchen while she goes through the new recipes so I can understand, giving me bits to complete and making me sniff and identify the different plants and herbs from her little garden.

There is no way I will be forgetting so soon how to bake with apricots, how to preserve salad, trying the home made jam will be much easier, how to prep fish before grilling, the potato hack and potato salad. I certainly could not take pictures because I was not ready to have those awkward conversations where you explain to a non-blogger why pictures should be taken at every step. Just maybe, I might share recipes on the blog soon with pictures too.

Trust me, if you have a meal menu at home, get ready to taste new meals when you travel. While you might want to be safe and eat only what your are used to, do not fail to try new meals and even ask for the recipe so you can try making it when you are back home.

You Get a Breath of Fresh Air.

No one realizes how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home and rests his head on his old familiar pillow. – Lin Yutang

I totally agree with Lin. You see, it is the moment when you return home and reminisce about your trip that you really appreciate what travelling can do for your mental health.

A new environment gives you a clear head and you can actually think without dealing with the issues peculiar to a known environment. Your perspective about life changes one way or the other and you’ll catch yourself thinking deeply about what you want in life.

If your location is so good, it might even spur you to consider relocating permanently.

You Meet New People or Bond with people you know.

Asides the new interests you pick up from a short trip, the opportunity to meet new people or bond with your travel companion/host is amazing. You get to learn about other people’s idea, especially is you are openminded. I have learnt so much about Nigeria and other countries just by asking questions, listening and contributing to conversation.

Let’s not forget the new friends you make while on a short trip. Some of them eventually become life long friends. While on a trip, be open to learning new things, ask questions and create beautiful memories.

After my short stay with the hubby’s parents, I feel like I have caught the travel bug. This strong wanderlust I feel needs to be fed and now, I am thinking about all the beautiful places I want to visit.

For me, trips away from home has always been about attending family functions and weddings. While I still look forward to planning vacations and stuff, I will definitely work on more short trips and even day trips.

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