Meaningful Living

A to Z Challenge 2018: Theme Reveal

The A to Z Challenge is a blogging challenge where you write an article using the letters of the alphabet everyday in April except Sundays.

Basically, you write 26 posts for 26 days using the 26 letters of the alphabet for each day in April except sundays.

To make things clear, you are required to choose a theme or category and this guides you and the readers through challenge.

The theme also helps readers know what exactly you are writing about and they can easily decide if it interests them or not.

Last year, I wrote about The Awakening of Self (A collection of character traits geared towards Meaningful Living). You can catch up via the link below.

Related: A to Z Challenge 2017

If you have been reading Phaytea’s Pulse since early last year, you probably have a feel of what the journey entails.

Today is the Official Theme Reveal Day and after successfully completing the A to Z Challenge in April 2017, I have looked forward to this year. I am glad it is almost time and even more excited to reveal my theme for this year.

A to Z Challenge Theme Reveal 2018: Building and Sustaining a Meaningful Relationship

This year, I plan to write about Meaningful living as usual but this time, it will be focused on relationships. Relationships with Friends, Family and/or Spouses.

The A to Z Challenge is hosted yearly and you can sign up here to participate.

It is now 12 days until the writing challenge and I know a lot of bloggers participating in this challenge already have their topics figured out.

As at today, I am yet to sort my topics but I plan to conclude in one week. Hopefully, I am able to roll out interesting topics and content early enough so I do not feel overwhelmed.

The A to Z Writing Challenge was an interesting experience last year. Phaytea’s Pulse enjoyed good traffic, I found new bloggers all over the world and also learnt a few things about consistency.

Related: A to Z Challenge 2017 Reflection Post.

Will you be signing up for any other writing challenge?

Have you ever participated in any writing challenge?

I will love to read from you



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