Intentional Dating|| 6 Ways To Date Intentionally.
As adults, experience must have taught us that most things we do in life require planning and intentional effort. From as little as choosing an outfit for an event to feeding a baby, everything deserves to be planned. Well, almost every thing
WordSearchSeries #15: Caboodle + Girl/Guy Code
Hump day means #WordSearchSeries and #WonderWednessday on the blog and we are ready. For #WordSearchSeries, the new word we found is Caboodle. I feel it sounds like the name of a really cute puppy…what do you think? Anyway, here’s what it means: The whole number or quantity of people or things in question. Any collection in its entirety. For example: She bought the whole caboodle. I have no use for the whole caboodle. Have you heard or used the word before? You should add this word to your vocabulary if you are yet to. For #WonderWednessday, i’m wondering if there should really be forbidden areas when it comes to dating. …