Get To Know Me Tag – Answering 20 Questions About Phaytea.
I could go on and on, but I am thankful for growth and the opportunity to take care of the people and things that matter.
20 Things That Make Me Happy.
Earlier today, I had a discussion with some colleagues about money, salary and somehow it delved into discussing if money guarantees happiness. Do you want to guess how that went?
5 Things I cannot afford at the moment.
If you were told to write a list of things you cannot afford at the moment, I bet your list will be filled with collections from the latest trends, gadgets and all sort. This is not to judge anyone as even I crave for the extra comfort sometimes. However, what gets in the way of living a meaningful life is dwelling on those thoughts that reminds us of how we may not be able to get the luxury we so crave as soon as we need them. One way or the other, we will have to save up, work hard and make sacrifices to achieve a certain level of Maslow’s…
8 Ways to literally have a ‘Good Morning’.
It’s no longer news that while we love the weekends, a lot of us actually dread mornings… especially monday morning. Well, it’s a beautiful monday morning and I’m glad I’m not grumpy. I think mondays or mornings are generally not that bad. Like, it’s all in your mindset and what you have planned out for the day. Overtime, I’ve realised that I can control how i want to feel in the mornings. This is actually very important because the way you start your morning sets the pace for other activities. Sometimes, you find a balance at mid day, other times the day just goes downhill….and you’re left wondering what you…