
WordSearchSeries #1- STALL

Today on #WordSearchSeries , I found the word Stall.

I have always known and used the word ‘Stall’ as in – a tactics used to intentionally cause delay.

I was not aware that Stall also has an aircraft related meaning.

Here is how I found out.

On this particular day, I was catching up with hubby and I mentioned it was difficult to meet up with a particular service provider because they were usually not open while heading to work in the morning and they would have closed by the time I am done with work after 1600hrs. I let him know my decision was to stall before leaving home the next morning.

Considering his line of work, I guess the first thing that came to mind was to connect ‘stall’ with an aircraft because he repeated stall as if asking a question and went further to joke about me flying an airplane. So obviously I figured ‘stall’ had another meaning. I asked and he explained in simple terms.

I went ahead to check the dictionary and this is what I found out:

Stall also means – A malfunction in the flight of an aircraft in which there is a sudden loss of lift that results in a downward plunge.

Example: The plane went into a stall and could not be controlled.???

The aircraft related meaning of ‘stall’ might not be an ‘everyday’ word, but if it comes up during a discussion, the news or documentary you will understand because you read this post.

I also found out that stall has several meaning asides the two mentioned here. You can check them later if you have the time.

 Until i find a new word to share………..

Love always, Peace and Cupcakes



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