Simple Tips For An Organized And Stress Free Holiday.
Be the perfect host and still have an organized and stress free holiday just by following these very simple tips
Have You Told Friends And Family About Your Blog?||7 Bloggers Respond
Blogging is very interesting and the part where you worry about reaction from friends and family is just a phase. By being hardworking, consistent and relevant, you can gradually grow into the phase whereby you get their support regardless of what you write about
Finding A Balance Between Friends, Family and Your Partner
The need to sustain a balanced relationship between our friends, family and partner have become an important issue that cannot be overlooked. Males and females alike have lost their identity just because
5 Genuine Reasons to Stay Happy
Today, I woke up really agitated and anxious (two deep words, but that's how I really felt this morning)
Gratitude Challenge: Faith, Family and Friends
While having a conversation with hubby the other day, I mentioned that
6 Life Lessons You Should Never Forget.
08.11.17 Your Hands…. Definitely the first male hands that held me. It’s difficult to accept you will not be able to hold me (physically) through other milestones, but i am glad we made beautiful memories together. Sleep well Daddy. Forever in my Heart. Daddy was laid to rest four days ago and it was all shades of emotional. Three months ago, I thought writing a tribute and biography was hard but having to read it to the audience was even harder. Can any other event get more emotional? Listening to family, his friends and colleagues talk about their relationship with him while he was physically present on earth was nerve…
6 Top Distractions: How to reduce its negative effect.
The first half of 2017 is over…..like…literally OVER. Have you taken a stock count? How did you fare? At the beginning of the year, we had a lot of goals lined out and as I always advocate, I’m hoping we’ve been taking baby steps to achieve one goal at a time. We may not have achieved everything yet due to several reasons and as the start of the second half is just hours away, I am sure we are all gearing up to meet the remaining goals. Now, those ‘several reasons’ are unknown to me but one reason I’m certain happens to the best of us is DISTRACTION. If you…