20 Things That Make Me Happy.
Earlier today, I had a discussion with some colleagues about money, salary and somehow it delved into discussing if money guarantees happiness. Do you want to guess how that went?
How Happiness Affects A Relationship||20 Ways To Pursue Happiness.
The state of being constantly happy takes continuous effort, it takes even more effort as a couple but it can be achieved when both party know the little things expected of them.
5 Genuine Reasons to Stay Happy
Today, I woke up really agitated and anxious (two deep words, but that's how I really felt this morning)
Long September
I have not been here in a while and it is almost intentional. You know how everyday you wake up expectant and by the time you turn off your light for a good night, that one thing you are really hoping and praying for is still pending. It is really depressing because it is times like this that gets me really sad and I just want to stay in bed. I stay grateful to God for true friends and family who go out of their way to make sure you are happy. So whenever I get the “your name is faith, have a little faith” line, I smile, dust my…