5 Things You Should Quit This Year.
While there are a number of resources online to help you make goals and resolutions, this post is basically to point you to the things you should quit this year.
10 Ways To Get Into The Christmas Mood.
Christmas is so close and as much as trees and decors are all over town and city centers, there are people who are yet to get into the Christmas mood.
Stress Free Ways To Manage Holiday Pressure.
Avoid the pressure to live a certain lifestyle, avoid the pressure to create an impression that will stress you, avoid the pressure to have the best clothes or pictures, avoid the pressure to give the best gifts or go on the best picture worthy trips.
Simple Tips To Help You Spend Less During The Festive Season.
Since minimalism became a thing, people have embraced recycling items and finding ways to use an item for more than one purpose
Simple Tips For An Organized And Stress Free Holiday.
Be the perfect host and still have an organized and stress free holiday just by following these very simple tips
Cope With Loneliness: 7 Ways To Help People.
We have all had bouts of loneliness even if it is momentarily, but how we cope with loneliness / help people cope with loneliness determines how much it affects one physically, mentally and socially.
Easy Guide On How To Leave Your Comfort Zone.
It feels better doing it afraid than regretting later because you did not even try. Here’s an easy guide on how to leave your comfort zone
Mental Health: Why You Need To Be Mentally Aware.
Before the advent of Mental Health Advocates, any form of Awareness about Mental Health or constant conversation about the need to be mentally aware, a lot of people solely related mental health illnesses to people lurking on the street. Yes, the people you and I sometimes stay away from.
Positive Affirmations: How To Make It Work.
Over the years, I have realized just how much I was made to start using Positive Affirmations from a really young age
Being Patriotic To Your Country In 5 Easy Tips.
While exchanging banter with our friends and family, we often tell them they are not being patriotic whenever they suggest the need to move to another country or prefer the economy of another country to theirs. Half of the time, it is mostly just banter but what do you think being patriotic really involves?