Co-working Space: Review of Work Station, Nigeria.
Ever needed to use a co-working space on a weekend and couldn't find one? Here's introducing Work Station Nigeria.
A Blogger’s Nightmare|| How To Back Up Your WordPress Blog Content
At this point, I said to myself... Be calm, someone must have gone through this before so you will get answers. However, all this was happening around 2300 hrs and
Simple Guide to having a Daily Blog Routine.
The best thing about having a routine is the seamless flow it accords us daily, weekly or even monthly. Routines help us know what activities need to be done ahead of time. We have routines for the baby, for our meals, for working out e.t.c. If our blogs are half as important as these other things, then there is absolutely nothing wrong with having a daily blog routine as well. While routines can be so boring, it is encouraged to still prepare a checklist for our daily activities. We might not strictly adhere to the timing but it allows us prioritise and still get things done eventually. One of those…
How to Choose the Perfect Blog Name + Fun Blog Name Convenience Test
Some weeks ago while working on a website, I realised the importance of having a blog name that is convenient....not just for the blog owner for potential and returning readers.
Pulse For August 2017
The first of every month is always very exciting for me. I feel I have just crossed a milestone and should celebrate. Today isn’t any different. I feel elated and thankful for the Gift of Life, Good Health and Loved ones. I am also excited about Phaytea’s Pulse and it’s lovely readers. Thank you all for stopping by and contributing, it makes the effort worth it. As I did in May, June and July, I will be sharing my Pulse for August but first here’s a rundown of how I fared in July: Post Scheduling & Pictures: I still write on impulse but the blog dairy helps. I get to put down my thoughts…
I am sorry….not sorry
Hi hi It’s raining this morning and I like…. How do you feel when it rains? If you haven’t read ‘Can you stand the rain?, you definitely should. Did you have a good week? Mine turned out nice except for one ‘not so good’ experience. So i recently had an encounter that suddenly threw me off track. I was hurt but a few tears and venting to the right person got me back on track. Bottom line, I finally got an apology but then…is that it? Well, i am not asking for chocolates and roses (which isn’t a bad idea by the way) to go with an apology but personally,…
Can you stand the rain?
and I’m asking literally….. If you are anything close to me, then you are already humming to New Edition’ s ‘Can you stand the rain’. I love songs that kind of ‘speak to your soul’ (is that a weird description?)…. but I totally fell in love with this song again in the movie ‘The Best Man Holiday’. That was my best movie for a long time. Talking about rain, do you like the rainy season? It’s been raining a lot in Lagos (it’s the season so there’s no suprise at all) and I think it’s beginning to tell on my usual active self. For instance, I always want to be…
An Award And A Thank You Note.
Is it Sunday funday for you? What have you been up to? It’s been raining all day in Lagos and urghh!! the weather isn’t too friendly. You actually have to plan indoor activities because the weather is so unpredictable. So Phaytea’s Pulse got nominated for The Mystery Blogger Award by the lovely Kanishka. Thank you for being so thoughtful dear. She blogs over at Kanishka’s Diary…..do check out her blog for interesting content. Just incase you didn’t know, The Mystery Blogger Award was created by Okoto Enigma It’s an award for amazing bloggers with indigenous posts. Their blogs not only captivates; it inspires and motivates. They are one of the bests out there and…
Phayview #3: Let’s Indulge In Mum Stuff.
Hi hi, Are we having lovely day? If you have been checking the internet/social media pages then you must have noticed or heard it’s Mother’s day. Whoop! Whoop!! I love how passionate we get about Women/Mother’s. I have a very special bond with my mum so it’s no surprise if get to talk about her a lot. We share so much and she’s just the perfect bestie, mum, prayer partner, advicer, anyone would ask for. Pardon my seconds of mushiness but Mother’s are just the best and we will be acknowledging that fact today on Phayview. Please check Phayview#1 and Phayview#2 if you missed it the previous weeks. I’ll like to repost this article…
Mindfulness: 7 things you do without knowing it leaves a bad impression.
…..or maybe you do know, but can’t be bothered…. Never mind what haters say, ignore them till they fade away… T.I and Rihanna had a good time getting us psyched up with the song ‘Live your Life’. I totally love that song by the way, but unless you plan to live in space with aliens, you should care a tiny bit about how you live your life and avoid being quick to assume someone is a ‘hater’ (This word is used loosely these days). How about we look inward? As individuals, we have different personality traits which reflects in our temperament, character, thinking, speaking and understanding. We also have the…