World Gratitude Day ||5 Ways To Show Gratitude Daily.
Today is globally recognized as World Gratitude Day and even though I have made gratitude a way of life, I cannot help but seize every opportunity to acknowledge the importance of gratitude for a meaningful life
5 Signs That Indicate You Do Not Love Yourself Enough.
No, I was not eavesdropping, it just happened that I passed at the point where the nurse said 'You have missed two appointments, don't you love yourself?'
3 Important Things to Remember About Love
The colour red, the birth of new relationships, surprise proposals, romantic getaway, flowers, chocolates, gifts, break ups, Reaffirmation of Love and
Gratitude Challenge: Support and Self Love
We need family, friends, colleagues etc to achieve certain goals. Team work makes the dream work
Phayview #2 : Links you will love
Hi hi, Are we having a good day? Phayview #1 was published last Sunday, so over the past week, I thought it will be a good idea to publish ‘Phayview‘ every sunday. (hey! Look at that, I’m gradually sticking to blog scheduling *wink). While surfing the internet, I came across a video I will like to share. It explains one of the things we must ‘not do’ if we want to lead a happy life. I love to read everything that encourages self-love and Mindfulness. Please enjoy this video below by Comedian Tom Shillue which was done for PragerU : As a writer, are the times when you go blank? Here are 46 ideas to beat bloggers block written by…
What does Self-love mean to you? Personally, Self-love is basically guarding my heart and making sure my happiness is a priority. This does not mean I am less concerned about my partner, friends or families happiness. It simply means being at my best to ensure i am able to give my best. I have heard people compare ‘self love’ to being selfish or conceited. Like every other issue we have had to deal with, self love cannot exactly be explained without its faults. This is as a result of conflicting individual opinions as to what self love is, how we handle self-love and how we others to understand our…