WordSearchSeries#18: Vitriol + Who should be blamed?
Hump day isn’t so bad in Lagos….well, if you ask me. It has not rained for like two days straight and I’m sure a lot of people appreciate how sunny it has been. Anyway, Let’s learn a new word….shall we? For #WordSearchSeries on the blog today, the new word is Vitriol. This is one of the words I found while reading a political article sometime last week. Here’s what it means: Abusive or venomous language used to express blame or censure or deep seated ill. Bitter criticism or malice For example: His Father’s sudden gush of vitriol suprised the neighbours. Have you heard or used the word Vitriol before? We…
8 Ways to literally have a ‘Good Morning’.
It’s no longer news that while we love the weekends, a lot of us actually dread mornings… especially monday morning. Well, it’s a beautiful monday morning and I’m glad I’m not grumpy. I think mondays or mornings are generally not that bad. Like, it’s all in your mindset and what you have planned out for the day. Overtime, I’ve realised that I can control how i want to feel in the mornings. This is actually very important because the way you start your morning sets the pace for other activities. Sometimes, you find a balance at mid day, other times the day just goes downhill….and you’re left wondering what you…
An Award And A Thank You Note.
Is it Sunday funday for you? What have you been up to? It’s been raining all day in Lagos and urghh!! the weather isn’t too friendly. You actually have to plan indoor activities because the weather is so unpredictable. So Phaytea’s Pulse got nominated for The Mystery Blogger Award by the lovely Kanishka. Thank you for being so thoughtful dear. She blogs over at Kanishka’s Diary…..do check out her blog for interesting content. Just incase you didn’t know, The Mystery Blogger Award was created by Okoto Enigma It’s an award for amazing bloggers with indigenous posts. Their blogs not only captivates; it inspires and motivates. They are one of the bests out there and…
Fun Minimalist Ideas For The Weekend
Don’t we just love Fridays? Especially when you do not have to work till monday. Do you have plans for the weekend? You know, if you had asked me that question like twelve hours ago, I would have mentioned at least three activities that would have taken the whole day. Well, the weekend had other plans for me. I got home and placed a call to reconfirm my appointments but two out of the three got cancelled…..and I was left with just one plan that would only last at least for two hours. There goes my weekend plans…. I quickly thought about likely ideas that would keep me busy over…
WordSearchSeries#17: Ensconce + Impulse Buying
Hump day and it’s been raining all through…. This is the first Wednesday in July and we start #WordSearchSeries with Ensconce. Have you heard or used the word before? I’m not sure how but I found myself reading a political article over the weekend….I guess it was a good idea because that’s how I came across today’s word and many others I’ll be sharing on #WordSearchSeries. Let’s find out what ‘Ensconce’ means: Ensconce is a verb that means to hide securely or conceal oneself. Example: Tobi ensconced himself in the room out of shame and away from public glare. It also means to establish or settle comfortable in a place. …
How to keep busy when the server goes Kaput!
Ever imagined getting to your place of work and then somehow hours into day, the server goes Kaput…. like completely unserviceable and there’s no immediate remedy? Everything you planned to do on your computer will have to wait and you’re thinking….what next? Use the opportunity to run errands outside the office (No, you already asked to be excused for 30minutes yesterday). Use your phone and social media apps (No again, You’ll look unserious if anyone {read that as the boss} walks in on you more than twice still having your phone in hand). Go over to your colleagues office and have a chat (Nah..doesn’t look good either..even if you do,…
Pulse for July 2017
The beginning of the second half of 2017 is here. Whoop whoop!!!! Started it off with a friend’s wedding and could not write my goals for July post yesterday because I got home really tired. If feels so good to be in good health, content and grateful…for the past months and the present. Very quickly, here’s how i fared with my goals in June: Blog Scheduling : I pretty much followed the four posts a day schedule except the week I was really busy with family engagements. I like the effort I put in. Health Goals: I am going to need something more than just writing a ‘to-do’ list to…
June 2017 Favourites
June can now easily pass as my favourite month. I’m not saying it is, (as I don’t want May which is my birth month to get jealous) but there are some dates in june that are remarkable. My Wedding Anniversary Le Hubby’s Birthday My Grandpa’s Glorious Exit Le Hubby’s Dad’s Birthday I’m so jealous I want to add mine too. Anyway, it’s only apt that I thought about writing a ‘June favourite’ post. I’m basically letting you know all the things I enjoyed being involved with this month. Music If you follow Phaytea’s Pulse on Facebook or Instagram, you must have noticed my bants about ‘Despacito’ by a Puertorican pop artiste Luis Forsi. It…
6 Top Distractions: How to reduce its negative effect.
The first half of 2017 is over…..like…literally OVER. Have you taken a stock count? How did you fare? At the beginning of the year, we had a lot of goals lined out and as I always advocate, I’m hoping we’ve been taking baby steps to achieve one goal at a time. We may not have achieved everything yet due to several reasons and as the start of the second half is just hours away, I am sure we are all gearing up to meet the remaining goals. Now, those ‘several reasons’ are unknown to me but one reason I’m certain happens to the best of us is DISTRACTION. If you…
WordSearchSeries#16: Febrile + Choosing the sex of a Child
Early start for me this morning as work resumes today. We had Monday and Tuesday off work because of the Muslim holiday (Eid el Fitr) so it was a really long weekend. Talk about the work week starting on hump day. *rolls eye* Anyway, Wednesday is always scheduled for #WordSearchSeries on the blog and the new word is Febrile. I had a different word planned for today but on my way to work this morning, I found ‘Febrile’ in an article I was reading on Facebook. I thought the word sounded like feeble but here’s what it really means: Having or showing the symptoms of fever. Example: The woman’s Febrile…