• Meaningful Living

    Not all wounds are visible.

    You can never really tell where it hurts…. Over the weekend, I read about the case of a man who told his driver to stop abruptly on a bridge, after which he got down from the vehicle and plunged into the lagoon immediately . He was reportedly taking a call when this happened. He was a doctor. I screamed!!!! This is just one out of the numerous cases that happens around the world. We hear about some and others are blown away with the wind. This is an intense piece for me as I cannot begin to imagine what transpires within those nano seconds before ……. (dark space). August Alsina’s…

  • Phayview

    Phayview #2 : Links you will love

    Hi hi,  Are we having a good day? Phayview #1 was published last Sunday, so over the past week, I thought it will be a good idea to publish ‘Phayview‘ every sunday. (hey! Look at that, I’m gradually sticking to blog scheduling *wink).  While surfing the internet, I came across a video I will like to share. It explains one of the things we must ‘not do’ if we want to lead a happy life.  I love to read everything that encourages self-love and Mindfulness. Please enjoy this video below by Comedian Tom Shillue which was done for PragerU : As a writer, are the times when you go blank? Here are 46 ideas to beat bloggers block written by…

  • Meaningful Living

    Mindfulness: 7 things you do without knowing it leaves a bad impression.

    …..or maybe you do know, but can’t be bothered…. Never mind what haters say, ignore them till they fade away… T.I and Rihanna had a good time getting us psyched up with the song ‘Live your Life’. I totally love that song by the way, but unless you plan to live in space with aliens, you should care a tiny bit about how you live your life and avoid being quick to assume someone is a ‘hater’ (This word is used loosely these days). How about we look inward? As individuals, we have different personality traits which reflects in our temperament, character, thinking, speaking and understanding. We also have the…

  • Self Development,  WordSearchSeries,  Wordsmith

    WordSearchSeries #6: Ambivert

    Hi hi, It’s another wednesday and that means we have a new word to share on #WordSearchSeries. You won’t believe where we found our new word?? Quick story:  Phaytea’s Pulse received its first Bloggers Recognition Award , Thanks to the very lovely Sheetal. Please click ‘sheetal’ to read her blog. I decided to check the about page of the very thoughtful lady that nominated Phaytea’s Pulse and…… ……Just at the end of the first line, I found the word ‘Ambivert’. Have you heard this word before? Here is what it means: A person who has a balance of extrovert and introvert features in their personality. I guess it is safe to say I am Ambivert…

  • Blogging

    Bloggers Recognition Award

    Whoop Whoop!!!! We have our First Bloggers Recognition Award, plenty thanks to the lovely Sheetal for the nomination. Totally excited as this means you are reading Phaytea’s Pulse. Thank you for the comments, likes and for sharing on your social media platforms too. What!!!! You make me want to keep getting better at this. Sending plenty hugs to go round. How i started Phaytea’s Pulse? it’s funny but I started this blog in 2011 just as a young girl who was internet savvy and loved social media. Creating a blog then seemed like a ‘nice to have’, I guess that was the reason for the inconsistent posts. …oh yeah!!! and there was school,…

  • Phayview

    Phayview #1: Links you will love.

    Hi hi, It was International Women’s Day on the 8th of March and as expected most people/organisations tilted towards women as a theme for events and blog topic. Phaytea’s Pulse published #IWD2017: What makes women remarkable? which was inspired by suzie81speaks who published 46 reasons why women are amazing after getting opinions from 46 lovely women. Please click to read the articles. I came across a video on twitter that resonates with women. You should watch it too. It is titled Tea and Consent. The video has been around for a while and there are actually lots of articles debating on the illustration. It has been used for several campaigns too. What do you think about the video,…

  • Blogging

    Getting your fingers burnt

    Are you concerned about doing things right , or doing things the right way? Oops!! – Correct it You are smart and always reliable… You get too confident and shift a bit from the norm… Not expecting a glitch, you carry on without remorse… Days later, you get your fingers burnt because you ignored the pattern and did nothing about it. Are you concerned about doing things right , or doing things the right way? Today’s post is my first attempt at the Daily Post’s Daily Prompt – Pattern  Love, Peace and Cupcakes Phaytea???

  • Meaningful Living

    #IWD2017: What makes women remarkable?

    I am of the opinion that women should be celebrated everyday, but having a particular day to acknowledge women is definitely not a bad idea…. The 8th of March is recognised globally as International Women’s Day to commemorate the struggle of women’s rights. I’ll like to add that it is a day to also celebrate the achievements of every woman no matter how little. As long as you push to exceed current limits everyday, every area should be celebrated (Political, Educational, Family, Socially, Career, Business etc).  So on this day let’s think deeply, what makes women remarkable? I answered mine on a facebook group I joined recently and here’s what…

  • WordSearchSeries

    WordSearchSeries #5: Infantile

    Hi hi…. I haven’t shared a new word since the 10th of February 2017, not because I didn’t find new words but because I’ve been super busy (not too busy to publish posts tho’, i find time) and trying to make a decision regarding when #WordSearchSeries should be published (I think that’s the main reason).  Blogging Tip: I read that it is important to have a blog schedule so I have decided to share a new word on phaytea’s pulse every Wednesday. I also realised I’ve published two posts every week since January 2017…not bad if you ask me ?? Today on #WordSearchSeries, i found Infantile. About two weeks ago,…

  • Meaningful Living

    How you can manage your expectations.

    Happy New Month Fam!!  Yesterday I put up a post on instagram @phaytea with a caption about being excited at ‘start up’, retaining the tempo but knowing you should manage your expectations too. I got the nugde to write about it and so…here you go… I remember while watching the Big Brother Nigeria Eviction Show some weeks ago, a housemate who was up for eviction said she did not want to go home because the world had nothing to offer her (first mistake). I had not totally ‘processed’ that when another housemate said she always expects the worst from life (it seems we have too many people prophesying negativity).  At the end…