WordSearchSeries #21: Humdinger || Couples who argue
Hey Fam… It is the first hump day in August and as scheduled #WordSearchSeries is coming right up. The word for today is Humdinger. Have you heard or used the word before? Not sure why, but humdinger feels like it will sit well in a nursery school rhyme or as a cartoon character….something like rumpelstiltskin (one of my favourite story book as a kid) or humpty dumpty. I came across this word on a blog and was curious as usual. Here’s what it means: Humdinger means a striking or extraordinary person or thing. A person or a thing that is noticeable because it is a very good example of its…
WordSearchSeries#20: Masochist|| How long can you hold a grudge for?
Happy Hump day Lovelies….. For some reason it feels like a Friday but clearly it isn’t, so let’s learn a new word because it’s Wednesday. Today on #WordSearchSeries, we found Masochist. This word has been reoccurring in this spanish telenovela I’ve been watching (Can you tell I’m obsessed with Spanish telenovela’s? ). It is titled Los Miserables and a supposed love story where a couple keep hurting each other. In typical Phaytea Style, I looked for spoilers so I already know they finally got married. Isn’t love just beautiful? Masochist was repeated in last night’s episode and I decided to finally check the meaning. It means a person who is…
WordSearchSeries#19: Behemoth ~ Too much Info.
It’s another hump day fam and that means #WordSearchSeries is scheduled for today. The new word is Behemoth. This is a word I have heard before but never used. You know how you intentionally learn something so you can put it into practice, that’s exactly what i intend to do with this word. Find out the meaning of behemoth and add it in my vocabulary bag. Here’s what it means: Someone or something that is abnormally large or powerful. Behemoth can be used to describe a huge or monstrous creature. We were thrilled to watch the behemoth bear feed it’s cub. It can also be used to describe a person…
WordSearchSeries#18: Vitriol + Who should be blamed?
Hump day isn’t so bad in Lagos….well, if you ask me. It has not rained for like two days straight and I’m sure a lot of people appreciate how sunny it has been. Anyway, Let’s learn a new word….shall we? For #WordSearchSeries on the blog today, the new word is Vitriol. This is one of the words I found while reading a political article sometime last week. Here’s what it means: Abusive or venomous language used to express blame or censure or deep seated ill. Bitter criticism or malice For example: His Father’s sudden gush of vitriol suprised the neighbours. Have you heard or used the word Vitriol before? We…
WordSearchSeries#17: Ensconce + Impulse Buying
Hump day and it’s been raining all through…. This is the first Wednesday in July and we start #WordSearchSeries with Ensconce. Have you heard or used the word before? I’m not sure how but I found myself reading a political article over the weekend….I guess it was a good idea because that’s how I came across today’s word and many others I’ll be sharing on #WordSearchSeries. Let’s find out what ‘Ensconce’ means: Ensconce is a verb that means to hide securely or conceal oneself. Example: Tobi ensconced himself in the room out of shame and away from public glare. It also means to establish or settle comfortable in a place. …
WordSearchSeries#16: Febrile + Choosing the sex of a Child
Early start for me this morning as work resumes today. We had Monday and Tuesday off work because of the Muslim holiday (Eid el Fitr) so it was a really long weekend. Talk about the work week starting on hump day. *rolls eye* Anyway, Wednesday is always scheduled for #WordSearchSeries on the blog and the new word is Febrile. I had a different word planned for today but on my way to work this morning, I found ‘Febrile’ in an article I was reading on Facebook. I thought the word sounded like feeble but here’s what it really means: Having or showing the symptoms of fever. Example: The woman’s Febrile…
WordSearchSeries #15: Caboodle + Girl/Guy Code
Hump day means #WordSearchSeries and #WonderWednessday on the blog and we are ready. For #WordSearchSeries, the new word we found is Caboodle. I feel it sounds like the name of a really cute puppy…what do you think? Anyway, here’s what it means: The whole number or quantity of people or things in question. Any collection in its entirety. For example: She bought the whole caboodle. I have no use for the whole caboodle. Have you heard or used the word before? You should add this word to your vocabulary if you are yet to. For #WonderWednessday, i’m wondering if there should really be forbidden areas when it comes to dating. …
WordSearchSeries#14: Subjugate + Sibling Rivalry.
Hump day it is….and for #WordSearchSeries, i found #Subjugate. In my Pulse for June post, I mentioned that I’ll like to start reading paper back books. Honestly, the only time I pick up a book without thinking so much about ‘if I’ll have the time to read’ is when I have to go on a trip. Whether it’s by road or air, I always have a book. Today was one of those days, I started reading ‘The spirit of Leadership’ and that’s where I found ‘Subjugate’. Here’s what it means: Bring under domination or control, especially by conquest. Put down by force or intimidation Make subservient; forced to submit or subdue. Synonyms include, conquer,…
WordSearchSeries #13: Kerfuffle + Domestic Abuse
Hi hi It’s a lovely rainy morning…just perfect for hump day. I could barely get out of bed to prep for work this morning but duty called and I had to answer….plus it’s the last day before my vacation starts so I guess I have to make today work for me. For #WordSearchSeries today, I found Kerfuffle. Does it even look like an English word? Have you heard or used the word before? It’s absolutely new to me so when I found it while reading the news online some days back, I had to check the meaning. Here’s what I found: Kerfuffle means a commotion or fuss, especially one caused…
WordSearchSeries #12: Suborn + Lying by Omission
Once again, the world has been hit so hard and it has left us speechless. The departure of anyone is never good news especially if it was sudden. My thoughts and prayer goes out to families of the victims affected by the Manchester attack. I pray for strength and comfort during this trying period, and I hope for Peace all over the world. Today on #WordSearchSeries, i found SUBORN. Have you heard or used ‘suborn‘ before? I came across the word while reading news updates online yesterday. Here is what it means: Suborn means to bribe or induce someone to commit an unlawful act. To instigate a person to commit…