Amazing Benefits Of Walking (For A Good Cause).
This may or may not be your style but I am usually very particular about the things I term as fun and how I spend my leisure time. This just means that I will rather stay home with a good movie and internet than be out just for the sake of it.
Entrepreneurial Tips For The 21st Century Woman.
The journey to being your own boss is not always smooth. The increasing number of failed businesses, low turnover, twists and turns can be discouraging. This is probably the reason why coaches and professionals alike continue to dish out entrepreneurial tips to serve as a refresher for the 21st Century woman/man in business
Ocean’s 8 Movie Review: Star Studded Cast And What Else?
When I first saw the preview on Instagram and later on YouTube, I thought 'Just another girl gang movie'. The title also seemed familiar and this was easily so because there's an Ocean's 11 (2001), Ocean's 12 (2004) and Ocean's 13 (2007). Will there be anything in common with Ocean's 8?
5 Easy Ideas For A Mini High School Reunion
High school reunions are lovely and an amazing opportunity for long time friends and old classmates / schoolmates to meet up after a really long time. It is a great time to catch up, network and reminisce on past events.
International Widows’ Day: 6 Ways To Care For A Widow.
The 23rd of June is globally recognised as International Widows' Day and it was launched by the United Nations in 2010 to raise awareness about how some widows rights are violated.
2 Years Wedding Anniversary and 2 Lessons
Love is beautiful when it is with the right person and it is even more beautiful when it is reciprocated
Have You Told Friends And Family About Your Blog?||7 Bloggers Respond
Blogging is very interesting and the part where you worry about reaction from friends and family is just a phase. By being hardworking, consistent and relevant, you can gradually grow into the phase whereby you get their support regardless of what you write about
Product Review: Zaron Face Primer
While cleaning my make up brushes last night, I realised a good number of my make up items were quick heading towards the empties category. One of such is the Zaron Face Primer
Journeying Through Jealousy In A Relationship
A good number of people including myself seem to think that a little jealousy in a relationship is healthy. Apparently, it feels good to know that your partner does not want to lose you. You know that feeling right?
Intentional Dating|| 6 Ways To Date Intentionally.
As adults, experience must have taught us that most things we do in life require planning and intentional effort. From as little as choosing an outfit for an event to feeding a baby, everything deserves to be planned. Well, almost every thing