6 Thoughtful Ways To Appreciate People.
Do you know that when you appreciate people, you give them one of life's most precious yearning?
Reflections: Life Lessons From 2018.
I counted my blessings in 2018 and realized just how much one year can make a difference, how much one can grow in a year and how patience is really a virtue
World Gratitude Day ||5 Ways To Show Gratitude Daily.
Today is globally recognized as World Gratitude Day and even though I have made gratitude a way of life, I cannot help but seize every opportunity to acknowledge the importance of gratitude for a meaningful life
Gratitude Challenge: Zeal
The second half of this year shook me in a way that was totally new to me. It came in so hard and I honestly
Gratitude Challenge: Unity
Phaytea’s Pulse is participating in a 31 Days Gratitude Challenge. It is our version of Blogmas except that it does not end on Christmas Day, so expect a New post everyday till the end of the year. I have no explanation for why fuel tends to be scarce during the Christmas period. I had to run errands outside the office at lunchtime today and I spend over two hours on the road. As it is typical in Lagos, there are fuel queues, prices of everything has increased and the traffic is something you do not get used to. Fortunately, I was able to get to my destination in one piece…
Gratitude Challenge: Opportunities and Optimism
I had some deadlines to meet and I was really considering leaving the office at lunchtime to run personal errands. However, I began to worry when
Gratitude Challenge: Faith, Family and Friends
While having a conversation with hubby the other day, I mentioned that
Gratitude Challenge: Experience and Expression
The tears, anger, screams, the body language
Gratitude Challenge: Clarity and Creativity
We might have to tweak rules, think outside the box
Gratitude Challenge: Blessings and Blogs
Earlier today, I was telling le hubby how I was yet to feel