30 Effective Ways To Build Your Self Confidence.
Aren't single mums deserving of love? This scenario can be interpreted in different ways and while her feelings are valid, it looked like she allowed her shock / lack of self confidence ruin the moment.
6 Productive Ways To Spend A Work Free Day.
Every career driven individual loves a work free day, but most times will either have to apply for an annual leave or wait for a national public holiday to enjoy one. Here’s how to have productive work free day
A Guide To Visiting Nike Art Gallery.
Visiting Nike Art Gallery is truly an art lover's delight and should be on your 'places to visit in Lagos' list if you are yet to visit. Here’s my experience:
5 Things You Should Quit This Year.
While there are a number of resources online to help you make goals and resolutions, this post is basically to point you to the things you should quit this year.
10 Ways To Get Into The Christmas Mood.
Christmas is so close and as much as trees and decors are all over town and city centers, there are people who are yet to get into the Christmas mood.
Stress Free Ways To Manage Holiday Pressure.
Avoid the pressure to live a certain lifestyle, avoid the pressure to create an impression that will stress you, avoid the pressure to have the best clothes or pictures, avoid the pressure to give the best gifts or go on the best picture worthy trips.
5 Ice Breaking Activities To Help Creatives Interact At An Event.
As lovely as it is to be in a space filled with potential clients or prospects for collaboration, a major problem for creatives have always been - not knowing how to network or get the best off these networking events. Some are either shy, some have no idea of how to make a business pitch or even know anything about basic conversation starters.
20 Things That Make Me Happy.
Earlier today, I had a discussion with some colleagues about money, salary and somehow it delved into discussing if money guarantees happiness. Do you want to guess how that went?
Simple Guide to having a Daily Blog Routine.
The best thing about having a routine is the seamless flow it accords us daily, weekly or even monthly. Routines help us know what activities need to be done ahead of time. We have routines for the baby, for our meals, for working out e.t.c. If our blogs are half as important as these other things, then there is absolutely nothing wrong with having a daily blog routine as well. While routines can be so boring, it is encouraged to still prepare a checklist for our daily activities. We might not strictly adhere to the timing but it allows us prioritise and still get things done eventually. One of those…
A Visit To The Correctional Centre/Welfare Home For Girls.
Early last year, I wrote a list of things I would like to be involved in. I made sure they were realistic and I could do them without much fuss. Today, it feels good to tick another activity off my bucket list and I must say that this will not be the last time I will be involved. On my bucket list, I had written ‘Visit an Orphanage’ and I knew I wanted to do this before the year runs out. Infact, while decluttering months ago, I had put together some outfits I would like to giveaway so visiting a less privileged home was etched in my mind. I honestly did not know…