Gratitude Challenge: Prayer and Peace
Phaytea’s Pulse is participating in a 31 Days Gratitude Challenge. It is our version of Blogmas except that it does not end on Christmas Day, so expect a New post everyday till the end of the year. Spending the weekend with my mum and it feels amazing as always. PRAYER I love that prayer allows me communicate with God. PEACE It is so important that my mind is at peace and I am Grateful that this is usually the case Share your thoughts
Gratitude Challenge: Opportunities and Optimism
I had some deadlines to meet and I was really considering leaving the office at lunchtime to run personal errands. However, I began to worry when
Gratitude Challenge: No
Sometimes, it is easy to fill our plates and take more than we can
Gratitude Challenge: Mummy, Music and Me
Hump day was actually a good day and it is funny how one minute, you have a lot of things to do and the next minute you
Gratitude Challenge: Love and Life
Love is beautiful. I am grateful for the ability to love myself, give love and
Gratitude Challenge: Knowledge and Kindness
As people will say, 'Google is your friend' so I decided to check through Google to find out if
Gratitude Challenge: Job
Before I do, let me reiterate that it is important to be sensitive to things around for you. I woke up from a dream this morning and felt
Gratitude Challenge: In-Laws and Intuition
Phaytea’s Pulse is participating in a 31 Days Gratitude Challenge. It is our version of Blogmas except that it does not end on Christmas Day, so expect a New post everyday till the end of the year. Don’t we all love the weekend? I had a well deserved rest and I just need to emphasise how important it is to make sure you are not stressing. Always find time to rejuvenate to avoid falling ill. Today, here’s what is on my Gratitude list for letter I: IN-LAWS Having a new family to look out for you is a wonderful feeling and I am totally Grateful. INTUITION I am Grateful for everytime I…
Gratitude Challenge: Husband, Health and Happiness
You only need to visit Emergency Wards to realise that we should never take
Gratitude Challenge: God and Growth
It's funny because I had no idea this happened all the time I was on a break off work. I only got into my