Travel Preparation Checklist: Packing For A Comfortable Trip
I used to be one out of many people who prefer to create a mental checklist of everything rather than write it out
Unsolicited Advice And Ways To Handle It.
If you ever find yourself in a position where you are about to give unsolicited advice, you are most likely going to tread on someone's turf. This might be with good intentions, but it does not change the fact that your opinion was not asked for at that time
How To Choose Faith Over Fear
I may not have understood what this meant at that age, but it was fascinating to know my name was in the bible and everyone in class had to recite what it means. Those were the days we had nothing to worry about
5 Easy Ways To Find Prompts for Blog Post Ideas.
A lot of creatives go through the popular 'writer's block'. It is a phase whereby a writer just lacks the ability to write anything
My Love/Hate Relationship with The L.A. Girl Pro Coverage HD Illuminating Foundation – A Review
My Love/Hate Relationship with The L.A Girl Pro Coverage HD Illuminating Foundation reminds me of the last time I bought a really nice dress
5 Genuine Reasons to Stay Happy
Today, I woke up really agitated and anxious (two deep words, but that's how I really felt this morning)
Pulse for March 2018
Looking for someone who is meticulous and spontaneous at the same time?
5 Signs That Indicate You Do Not Love Yourself Enough.
No, I was not eavesdropping, it just happened that I passed at the point where the nurse said 'You have missed two appointments, don't you love yourself?'
A Blogger’s Nightmare|| How To Back Up Your WordPress Blog Content
At this point, I said to myself... Be calm, someone must have gone through this before so you will get answers. However, all this was happening around 2300 hrs and
Book Review: How Laziness Saved My Life ||10 Important Business Tips
My first impression about this book was more like - how is laziness supposed to save my life?